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CloseCraig Botha - February 14, 2021
Parable of the Sower.
Craig Botha will be preaching on the Parable of the Sower Key scripture Luke 8:4 – 15 Sermon Devotions on Power of Sower. Please listen to the message and read through the passage on the parable of the Sower in Luke 8 and ask yourself: How well do I hear God’s speaking to me – ask him to help you in this area. How’s the soil of my heart to receive the seed of God’s word? Is it: Hard; Rocky; Thorny Or good and ready for fruit bearing? Spend some time praying about this and asking the Lord to help you to be fruitful in his kingdom and a ‘sower of the Gospel’. Thank God for past areas of fruitfulness you have experienced in your life.
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From Series: "Luke"
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